25–28 Oct 2022
Aula Gerace
Europe/Rome timezone

An Apparatus for Atom Interferometry on an Optical Clock Transition with Squeezed States (F)

26 Oct 2022, 15:15
Aula Gerace

Aula Gerace

Polo Fibonacci Edificio C Largo B. Pontecorvo, 3 56127 Pisa


Leonardo Salvi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)


Atom Interferometry for gravity measurements is now approaching its precision limits set by the
Standard Quantum Limit (SQL) of phase estimation [1]. Within the bounds of the SQL, the minimum
statistical uncertainty in gravity measurements scales as 1/√N , where N is the number of atoms entering
the interferometer. Quantum entanglement is an important resource that can potentially improve this
scaling with atom number and therefore the sensitivity of atom interferometers beyond classical limits.
In this context I will present a recently developed apparatus for the production of entangled squeezed
states of strontium atoms that can be injected in a matter-wave interferometer with separated arms. The
core of the apparatus is a high-finesse optical ring cavity conceived in order to induce strong collective
coupling between the atomic ensemble and the cavity mode. I will show that this setup allows for
optical and atomic access for interferometer operation and for homogeneous atom-light interaction -
essential requirements for the operation of atom interferometers. This setup will enable the production
of squeezed states either by quantum nondemolition measurement or by deterministic protocols such as
one-axis twisting [2]. Motivated by the recent achievement of squeezing in an optical atomic clock [3], I
will present our work towards the realization of a squeezed atom interferometer based on the strontium
1S0-3P0 optical clock transition.

Primary author

Leonardo Salvi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

Presentation materials