28 May 2022 to 1 June 2022
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Screen 11 - The Time of Flight PET for Proton Therapy (TPPT)

30 May 2022, 16:15
1h 15m
Board: 11
Poster New technologies for PET/MR and TB-PET Poster session


Kyle Klein (University of Texas at Austin)


The recent rise of Proton Therapy as a cancer treatment option motivates the need for sophisticated imaging to monitor the position of the proton beam deposition in a patient. Using Time-of-Flight (ToF) PET imaging, the project seeks to provide information of beam location and intensity in a patient by monitoring the presence of positron emitting isotopes produced due to energy deposition of the proton beam, known commonly as Proton-Range Verification.

Primary authors

Kyle Klein (University of Texas at Austin) Prof. Karol Lang (University of Texas at Austin) William Matava (University of Texas at Austin) Prof. Stefaan Tavernier (Vrije Universiteit Brussels)


Mr Akhil Sadam (The University of Texas at Austin) Mr Tri Truong (The University of Texas at Austin) Ms Trang Do (The University of Texas at Austin) Ms Victoria Koptelova (The University of Texas at Austin ) Christopher Layden (The University of Texas at Austin)

Presentation materials