Opening day
Submission deadline
The following tracks are open for submission:
1 - PET/MR instrumentation: detectors and electronics
2 - PET/MR software and quantification
3 - PET/MR clinical systems and applications
5 - Total Body PET instrumentation: detectors and electronics
6 - Total Body PET software and quantification
7 - Total Body PET clinical systems and applications
8 - New tracers
9 - Brain and organ-specific systems
10 - Preclinical systems and applications
11 - Metabolic imaging with PET, MR and PET/MR
The deadline for submission is the 18th of March 2022. Late abstracts and abstracts without a summary will not be considered. Abstract acceptance will be notified by the 1st of April 2022.
As in the previous years, the meeting has the technical co-sponsorship of IEEE NPSS.
We encourage you to submit and we welcome you to participate in a meeting we expect to be valuable to all the attendees.