Consistency of supersymmetric 't Hooft anomalies

by Dr Guido Festuccia (Uppsala University)

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I will consider recent claims that supersymmetry is anomalous in the presence of a R-symmetry anomaly, revisit arguments that such an anomaly in supersymmetry can be removed and write down an explicit counterterm that accomplishes it. Removal of the supersymmetry anomaly requires enlarging the corresponding current multiplet. As a consequence the Ward identities for other symmetries that are already anomalous acquire extra terms. This procedure is impeded only when the choice of current multiplet is forced. We show how Wess-Zumino consistency conditions are modified when the anomaly is removed. A check that the modified Wess-Zumino consistency conditions are satisfied, and supersymmetry is unbroken, is possible via an explicit one loop computation using Pauli-Villars regulators.

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INFN & DFA - Prof. D. Cassani