Sep 18 – 24, 2022
Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Isola d'Elba, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Gas cell target development for laser-plasma electron injector using OpenFOAM fluid dynamics solver and dedicated test bench

Sep 19, 2022, 7:15 PM
Sala Elena - Hotel Hermitage

Sala Elena - Hotel Hermitage

Poster (student) Poster Session


Pierre Drobniak (IJC Lab)


Laser plasma acceleration [1] provides several advantages compared to conventional radio-frequency accelerators for electron source injectors: high accelerating gradients up to hundreds of gigavolts per meter (compactness) and short duration electron beams. However, the control of quality and stability of the produced electron bunches remains a challenge.

In this report we focus on the target design studies for the PALLAS project which aims to achieve reliability of conventional RF accelerators producing 150-200 MeV electron bunches in the injector stage, with a charge of 15-30 pC, at 10Hz with less than 5% energy spread. The laser pulse is provided by the LaseriX laser driver, yielding a 35fs laser pulse with 50TW peak field.

We present a two-chamber plasma cell design (N2-doped Helium and pure Helium) inspired from previous project [2] with electronic density in the range of 10^18cm-3. Optical measurements of the plasma channel and pressure measurements on a dedicated test bench are performed and compared with OpenFOAM [3] simulation results to validate our model. We then discuss our ability to confine the N2-dopant in the cell first chamber and the laser ablation lifetime. Finally, a review of the design in comparison with other laboratories experiments [4,5,6] is presented.

Primary author


Kevin Cassou (Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire) Sophie Kazamias Dr Bruno Lucas (IJCLab) Viacheslav Kubytskyi (Postdoctoral Fellow) Mr Gueladio Kane (IJCLab) Mr Nicolas Lericheux (IJCLab) Mr Yann Peinaud (IJCLab) Dr Moana Pittman (IJCLab) Mrs Elsa Baynard (IJCLab) Mr Julien Demailly (IJCLab) Mr Alexandre Gonnin (IJCLab) Mr Grégory Iaquaniello (IJCLab)

Presentation materials