AGATA Collaboration Meeting: SESSION 4
- Adriana Nannini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Two recent measurements performed at GANIL studied the unbound nucleus $^{15}$F using a SPIRAL 1 radioactive $^{14}$O beam impinging on the hydrogen nuclei from a thick (100 $\mu$m) polyethylene (CH$_2$) target. The first experiment was performed using the MUST2 light-particle detector array at LISE. The second experiment was part of the campaign using the new MUGAST light particle detector...
We present new experimental results for a measurement utilising the combination of AGATA, MUGAST, and VAMOS for a determination of the astrophysical $^{15}$O alpha capture reaction rate [1]. This reaction is a key breakout route from the Hot CNO cycle leading to explosive nucleosynthesis via the rp-process on the surface of neutron stars in binary systems. Determining an accurate cross section...
The evolution of the nuclear shell closure along N=28 has gathered much interest due to the observed
discrepancies between the well established shell model with SDPF-U interaction and measurements of
the half-magic 46Ar isotope.
In particular, while remarkable agreement was observed between theoretical and experimental values
of Sn, transition probabilities measured with intermediate...
Neutron-rich oxygen isotopes constitute a perfect playground for testing three-body forces.
For example, the neutron drip line is correctly predicted only when these forces are included in the calculation, as demonstrated by the work of Otsuka et al. [1].
In fact, standard shell model calculations including only two-body forces predict the drip line to be positioned at $N=20$.