EIC_NET simulazione MC


These meetings aim at collecting INFN people involved and interested in the software and Monte Carlo simulation activities at EIC and to discuss the coming developments.

The agenda of the meeting is based on a template that tries to cover as needes the various items of interest, namely

  • software and tools
  • vertex
  • particle identification
  • streaming readout

In each meeting we will have a short round-table discussion to exchange information and facilitate interaction among us. We will briefly discuss important items that will in case be brough to a larger attention and discussion with dedicated presentation at the following meeting.

These meetings are ALWAYS held on a weekly basis on Thursday at 9:30 AM. If you do not receive a notification email the meeting will be there anyway.

    • Software and Tools
      Convener: Andrea Bressan (TS)
      • 1
        Magnetic field map

        soon the maps of the magnetic field (Kiselev) will be available, which in theory will be easily interfaced with the simulations (at least with fun4all).

        This is a development of common interest and assessing the performance impact of dRICH and tracking is of general and strategic importance if we are active.

        to discuss as for now we have treated the B in the dRICH simulations (perfect projective, other, ...)

        steps for the near future could be to start digesting the maps and assessing the performance impact (angular resolution) of the realistic wrt field. ideal field

        Speaker: Roberto Preghenella (BO)

        so far in tracker magnetic field was perfect solenoidal field, both for 1.5 and 3 T.
        perfect means uniform, at least for the barrel

        the team that will look into that is 

        • forward RICH
          • Roberto
          • Chandra
        • barrel tracking
          • Annalisa
          • Giacomo 
      • 2
        Common format

        see discussion via email between Annalisa and Andrea.
        eventually we revive it here if there is more to add.

        the attached GoogleDoc is the status of the documentation for the guidelines

        Speaker: Andrea Bressan (TS)
    • Vertex
      Convener: Domenico Elia (BA)

      discussion about simulation priorities
      expressed doubts about time needed to start with new tools/framework

      question to Andrea: will we manage to do something in the coming months?

      DD4Hep, they claim to be well advance, but tracking option have to be tested (?)
      DD4Hep, introduced reference detector and IP6 region + fwd region
      reco is based on ACTS, effort is starting
      has simplified magnetic field, best to be prepared for field maps!
      --> is there a name for this "framework" ? not yet, but this will be a new framework.

    • Particle ID
      Convener: Roberto Preghenella (BO)
      • 3
        Porting dRICH

        Aggiorno rapidamente sul porting del dRICh:

        • Chris ha implementato il modello GEANT4 su F4A e provato a lanciare qualche
          evento e visualizzarlo; in ESC/g4e siamo praticamente allo stesso punto

        • ora si sta cercando di implementare lo steppingAction per recuperare le info
          che verrano poi utilizzate per l'analisi

        • nel frattempo stiamo provando a generalizzare il vecchio codice di Alessio,
          trasformandolo in una classe con i metodi di digitizzazione, ricostruzione
          angolo e cosi via, in modo che sia istanziabile del programma di analisi
          specifico per F4A o ESC

        • oggi praticamente si e' aggiunto un altro postdoc interessato al porting su
          F4A per ECCE, che dovrebbe incominciare ad occuparsi proprio del programma di

        ciao, Evaristo

        Speaker: Dr Evaristo Cisbani (ROMA1)
    • Streaming RO
      Convener: Andrea Celentano (GE)
    • 4
      Round table update
    • 5