A search for an electric dipole moment of the muon using the frozen-spin technique
Francesco Renga(ROMA1)
Webex (Piattaforma Cisco Webex)
Piattaforma Cisco Webex
Dipole moments of elementary particles served since the dawn of particle physics as an important test bench for theoretical models. Nowadays, they provide a powerful probe for new physics beyond the Standard Model, and their importance have been strongly boosted by the long-standing and recently confirmed deviation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (g-2) form theoretical predictions. While there are intensive experimental plans to improve the muon g-2 measurement, and investigations of the dipole moments of the electron are continuously improved, searches for an electric dipole moment (EDM) of the muon have been recently performed only as a by-product of g-2 experiments. We propose here a dedicated experiment to search for a muon EDM with a frozen-spin technique in a storage magnet, where the (g-2)-dependent spin precession on the orbital plane is canceled by an electric field, while vertical precession due to a non-null EDM is searched for, with a goal sensitivity of 6 x 10^-23 e*cm, three orders of magnitude below the current bound. A muon EDM observation would reveal sources of CP violation beyond the Standard Model, that could give a clue about the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe.