EIC_NET simulazione MC


Queste riunioni hanno lo scopo di raccogliere il personale INFN coinvolto e interessato alle attività software e di simulazione Monte Carlo a EIC e di discuterne gli sviluppi.

L'agenda della riunione è basata su un template per coprire come necessario i vari item di interesse, ovvero

  • software and tools
  • vertex
  • particle identification
  • streaming readout

Di volta in volta saranno discussi e coperti in maggiore dettaglio argomenti diversi, a seconda dell'urgenza e delle necessità.

Ad ogni riunione sarà fatto in ogni caso un breve giro della tavola con scambio di informazioni per discutere velocemente i punti importanti da eventualmente portare a più ampia discussione con presentazione alla riunione successiva.


    • 09:30 09:45
      Software and Tools
      Convener: Andrea Bressan (TS)

      We review the slides of preview from Software that will be presented this afternoon.

      CERN software is central: CVMFS, GEANT, ... 
      before starting to write software from scratch, check what is available for our needs.

      no disruption on the choice of software used, no enforcing changes.
      new tools being prepared for realistic sim/rec of detector by June.

      unified description, probably will be DD4HEP with core.
      with implementation of what was already developed.

      what we do? we contribute to the new tool? or we go with one of the old tools?
      depends on status of our activity.
      vertex effort based on fun4all.
      dRICH being ported in both fun4all and g4e.


    • 09:45 10:00
      Convener: Domenico Elia (BA)

      brief report on Vertex simulation so far in next meeting.

    • 10:00 10:15
      Particle ID
      Convener: Roberto Preghenella (BO)

      status of dRICH simulation and analysis

      simulations done mainly for old JLEIC apparatus, and one of the ePHENIX spectometers (few years ago).

      existing SW

      • standalone MC based on GEMC (Alessio Del Dotto)
      • AI driven optimisation (C. Fanelli)
      • beta version PID reconstruction (Zhiwen Zhao)
      • Fast parametriesed model (Roberto P)

      inverse ray tracing method, makes use of info of incoming particle: direction of track and impact.
      with manual smearing to simulate tracking performance.

      two main components of the simulation, which are so far separated

      • geometrical description
      • optical characteristics

      geometry ported also in TGeoManager.
      is this parametrisable? no, can be done relatively easily.
      for the moment, to change positions one has to recompile the model.

      optical characteristics of the model (refractive index, absorption lenght, mirror reflectivity, ...)
      must be parametrised as much as possible.
      this information is 

      people working on dRICH porting to ... which model?
      Cristiano Fanelli
      Christophes Dilks and Anselm Vossen (Duke)
      Evaristo and Guido
      with support from D Romanoc and Alessio Del Dotto

      Dimitry took the TGeo model and ported it into g4e.
      can also write geometry (volumes and material) in text files.
      it is not GDML, why not ? text file is very simple for parameterisation and readable.
      can be read by any G4 application.

      same file can be read in fun4all.

      further steps include

      • digitisation of sensor (better outside simulation)
      • single-photon angle reconstruction (inverse RT)

      analysis part, inverse ray tracing is a box that takes as input 

      • hit position of photon
      • track position and direction
      • geometry

      possible idea is to have interface code to read hits form g4e and fun4all (specialised) and write output in common language (tree) to be used for digitisation and analysis.


    • 10:15 10:30
      Streaming RO
      Convener: Andrea Celentano (GE)
    • 10:30 10:45
      Round table update 15m
    • 10:45 11:00
      AoB 15m