GGI Training Lectures on Gravitational scattering, inspiral, and radiation

    • 15:00 16:30
      Numerical GR for the relativistic two-body problem 1O 30m
      Relatore: Sebastiano Bernuzzi (PR)
    • 16:30 16:40
      Questions 10m
    • 16:40 18:10
      Overview of the Effective One-Body approach 1O 30m
      Relatore: Alessandro Nagar (TO)
    • 18:10 18:20
      Questions 10m
    • 18:20 18:50
      Open discussion 30m
    • 14:30 15:00
      Open discussion 30m
    • 15:00 16:30
      Effective Field Theory approaches to Gravity 1O 30m
      Relatore: Andrew Tolley (Imperial College, London)
    • 16:30 16:40
      Questions 10m
    • 16:40 18:10
      Numerical GR for the relativistic two-body problem 1O 30m
      Relatore: Sebastiano Bernuzzi (PR)
    • 18:10 18:20
      Questions 10m
    • 18:20 18:50
      Open discussion 30m
    • 14:30 15:00
      Open discussion 30m
    • 15:00 16:30
      Analytic GR methods for the relativistic two-body problem 1O 30m
      Relatore: Justin Vines (Max Planck Inst., Potsdam)
    • 16:30 16:40
      Questions 10m
    • 16:40 18:10
      The two-body problem in General Relativity and quantum scattering amplitudes 1O 30m
      Relatore: Julio Parra-Martinez (Caltech, Pasadena )
    • 18:10 18:20
      Questions 10m
    • 18:20 18:50
      Open discussion 30m
    • 14:30 15:00
      Open discussion 30m
    • 15:00 16:30
      Analytic GR methods for the relativistic two-body problem 1O 30m
      Relatore: Justin Vines (Max Planck Inst., Potsdam)
    • 16:30 16:40
      Questions 10m
    • 16:40 18:10
      The two-body problem in General Relativity and quantum scattering amplitudes 1O 30m
      Relatore: Julio Parra-Martinez (Caltech, Pasadena )
    • 18:10 18:20
      Questions 10m
    • 18:20 18:50
      Open discussion 30m
    • 14:30 15:00
      Open discussion 30m
    • 15:00 16:30
      Gravitational radiation, BMS, soft theorems, memory, and all that 1O 30m
      Relatore: Alok Laddha (Chennai Mathematical Institute)
    • 16:30 16:40
      Questions 10m
    • 16:40 18:10
      Gravitational radiation, BMS, soft theorems, memory, and all that 1O 30m
      Relatore: Monica Pate (Harvard University)
    • 18:10 18:20
      Questions 10m
    • 18:20 18:50
      Open discussion 30m