1:30 PM
Parametric Instability Observation in Advanced Virgo
Paola Puppo
1:35 PM
Spectral separation of the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background in the context of the LISA Noise, a galactic modulated foreground, astrophysical and cosmological backgrounds
Guillaume BOILEAU
(Artemis OCA UMR 7250)
1:40 PM
Limitations on LISA sensitivity to gravitational waves from local spacecraft gravitational field
Valerio Ferroni
(University of Trento, TIFPA)
1:42 PM
Nonlinear Dynamics of Quadratic Gravity
Aaron Held
(Imperial College, London)
1:57 PM
Coherent Gravitational Waveforms and Memory from Cosmic String Loops
Thomas Helfer
(Johns Hopkins University )
1:58 PM
Search for nonlinear memory from subsolar mass compact binary mergers
Michael Ebersold
(Institute of Physics - University of Zurich)
2:01 PM
Binary systems as dynamical detectors of gravitational waves
Alexander Jenkins
(King's College London)
2:15 PM
Removing Schumann noise from stochastic gravitational wave data
Katarina Martinovic
(King's College London)
2:18 PM
In depth analysis of LISA Pathfinder results and consequences for LISA
Eleonora Castelli
(Università degli Studi di Trento - INFN)
Stefano Vitale
Lorenzo Sala
LPF collaboration
2:19 PM
Probing Quadratic Gravity with Binary Inspirals
Zachary Picker
(University of Sydney)
2:20 PM
Searches for Compact Binary Coalescence Events using Neural Networks in LIGO/Virgo data
Alexis Menendez-Vazquez
2:22 PM
Instrumented baffles for AdV+
Lluïsa-Maria Mir
2:23 PM
Search for lensing signatures in the gravitational-wave observations from the first half of LIGO-Virgo's third observing run
Riccardo Buscicchio
(University of Birmingham)
2:24 PM
Lunar Gravitational-Wave Antenna
Jan Harms
2:25 PM
Bayesian estimation of contributions to the extreme-low-frequency force noise in LISA Pathfinder
Lorenzo Sala
(University of Trento)
2:26 PM
Gravitational wave friction in light of GW170817 and GW190521
Christos Karathanasis
2:27 PM
Waveform systematics and gravitational-wave catalogs
Davide Gerosa