
Superstripes and quasicrystals with hard-soft corona interactions

by Fabio Cinti


The recent advance in the field of quantum simulations with ultra-cold gases has allowed to engineer different kind of novel phases featuring genuine quantum properties. For instance, the search for spontaneous pattern formation is at the moment a leading direction within the framework of quantum many-body physics. In this talk I present findings regarding effects of quantum fluctuations, zero point motion and exchange interactions on an ensemble of bosonic particles interacting via isotropic hard-soft corona potentials.
By means of path-integral Monte Carlo methods we have determined both ground state and finite temperature properties. Upon considering parameters such as density and interaction strength, one can also observe a compelling phase diagram showing supersolid stripes, kagome and triangular crystals in the low-density regime. In the high-density limit we find out bosons owning a 12-fold rotational symmetry compatible with periodic approximants of quasicrystalline phases.
B. Abreu, F. Cinti, and T. Macrì, arXiv:2009.10203 (2020).