Seminari INFN

MIP Timing Detector for CMS at HL-LHC

by Paolo Meridiani (ROMA1)

Aula Conversi (Dip. di Fisica - Edificio g. Marconi)

Aula Conversi

Dip. di Fisica - Edificio g. Marconi


MIP Timing Detector for CMS at HL-LHC
The increase of instantaneous luminosity foreseen at the HL-LHC (5-7 times compared to LHC) poses new challenges for the experiments. The possibility of performing a 4D reconstruction of the proton-proton collisions (space and time) allows to reduce significantly the background due to simultaneous interactions in a single bunch crossing (pile-up), but also to explore new regions to look for new physics. The MIP timing detector (MTD) in CMS has been designed to reach a timing resolution around 30~ps over a large rapidity range exploiting novel technologies: LYSO crystals readout by silicon photomultipliers in the barrel part (|η|<1.5) and low gain avalanche silicon detectors in the forward region (1.5 < |η| < 3). I will review the detector design, physics impact and the current status, focussing mostly on the technology chosen for the barrel part.

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Organised by

L. Cardani, C. Rovelli