Seminari di gruppo IV

Weyl symmetry and anomaly in asymptotically locally AdS_3

by Dr Francesco Alessio (Università di Napoli & Universitè Libre de Bruxelles & Solvay Institute)

On-line Seminar (Zoom)

On-line Seminar


I will discuss an enhancement of Brown-Henneaux boundary
conditions in 3d AdS General Relativity to encompass Weyl transformations
of the boundary metric. The consequences on the asymptotic symmetry
algebra and the dual theory of imposing a conformally flat boundary
condition are explored. In particular, I will show that the corresponding
asymptotic symmetries include a new sector of Weyl rescalings with
integrable but not conserved surface charges. The holographic counterpart
of this result can be consistently described by an anomalous
Ward-Takahashi identity in the boundary.

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