Martin Poghosyan
A model, based on Gribov’s Reggeon calculus, is proposed and applied to processes of soft diffraction in hadronic interactions at high energies. It is shown that by accounting for absorptive corrections for all legs of triple-Regge and loop diagrams a good description of available experimental data on soft diffraction can be obtained in the energy range from ISR, FNAL to Tevatron (from $P_{lab} = 65$ GeV/c to $\sqrt{s}=1800$ GeV). It is worth to emphasize that such a detailed description of inclusive diffraction in this broad region of energies is achieved for the first time.
We have observed that available data on inclusive spectra of intact (anti-)proton at single-diffractive interaction can be equivalently well described with and without accounting the interference terms.
Nevertheless, there is a deviation between these two scenarios at the extrapolation to low-masses and that is ~40% at masses of the diffracted system M=10 GeV/c2.
Incorporating this model with the Model of Quark-Gluon Strings, a good description of available SppS data on spectra of particles produced in proton-antiproton single-diffractive dissociation process is obtained in a parameter-free way.
Primary author
Martin Poghosyan
Alexei Kaidalov