Vladimir Zoller
(ITEP, Moscow)
The non-conservation of charmed-strange current in the neutrino deep inelastic scattering
strongly affects the longitudinal structure function, $F_L$, at small values of Bjorken $x$.
The corresponding correction to $F_L$ is a higher twist effect enhanced at small-$x$ by the rapidly growing gluon density factor. As a result, the component of $F_L$ induced by the charmed-strange
current prevails over the light-quark component and dominates $F_L=F_L^{cs}+F_L^{ud}$ at $x\lsim 0.01$ and $Q^2\sim m_c^2$. The color dipole BFKL analysis clarifies the physics behind the phenomenon
and provides a quantitative estimate of the effect.
Primary author
Vladimir Zoller
(ITEP, Moscow)