11–15 Sept 2010
Otranto (Lecce)
Europe/Rome timezone

Forward physics at CMS

Not scheduled
Otranto (Lecce)

Otranto (Lecce)

Hotel Baia dei Turchi


Benoit Roland (CERN)


Studies of the forward processes are important tests of the standard model and inputs for Monte Carlo tuning. A measurement of the energy flow in the forward pseudorapidity region of CMS, 3.15 < |eta| < 4.9, is presented for 3 values of the centre-of-mass energy sqrt(s) = 0.9 TeV, 2.36 TeV and 7 TeV. The forward energy flow is measured for Minimum Bias events and for events with a central dijet system whose transverse energy provides a hard scale. The energy flow is compared to various Monte Carlo models with different multiparton interaction schemes. A study of the forward jets in the pseudorapidity range 3.2 < |eta| < 4.7 is presented for sqrt(s) = 7 TeV.

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