11–15 Sept 2010
Otranto (Lecce)
Europe/Rome timezone

Gluon saturation and particle production at LHC

Not scheduled
Otranto (Lecce)

Otranto (Lecce)

Hotel Baia dei Turchi


Dr Amir Rezaeian (Santa Maria Universidad)


In high density QCD the hadron production stems from decay of mini-jets that have the transverse momenta of the order of the saturation scale. I will show that this idea is able to describe in a unique fashion the first data from the LHC for the inclusive charged-hadron production in pp collisions, the deep inelastic scattering at HERA at small Bjorken-x, and the hadron multiplicities in AA collisions at RHIC. Recently reported data from ALICE, CMS and ATLAS including inclusive charged-hadron transverse-momentum and multiplicity distribution in pp collisions are well described in our approach. We provide quantitative predictions for the rapidity, centrality and energy dependencies of inclusive charged-hadron productions for the LHC in AA collisions based on the idea of gluon saturation in the color-glass condensate framework. I will also discuss the importance of saturation/shadowing effects in pA collisions at LHC. My talk is partly based on the following papers: E. Levin and A. H. Rezaeian, arXiv:1007.2430(submitted to PRD); E. Levin and A. H. Rezaeian, arXiv:1005.0631 (PRD 82, 014022,2010); A. H. Rezaeian and A. Schaefer, arXiv:0908.3695 (PRD 81,114032,2010).

Primary author

Dr Amir Rezaeian (Santa Maria Universidad)


Prof. Genya Levin (Tel Aviv University)

Presentation materials

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