11–15 Sept 2010
Otranto (Lecce)
Europe/Rome timezone

Single Diffractive Higgs Production at the LHC

Not scheduled
Otranto (Lecce)

Otranto (Lecce)

Hotel Baia dei Turchi


Prof. M.Beatriz Gay Ducati (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul- UFRGS)


The single diffractive production of the Standard Model Higgs boson is computed using the diffractive factorization formalism, taking into account a parametrization for the Pomeron structure function provided by the H1 Collaboration. we compute the cross sections at NLO accuracy for the gluon fusion process, since it is the leading mechanism to the Higgs boson production. The gap survival probability is also introduced to account for the rescattering corrections due to spectator particles present in the interaction. The single diffractive ratio is predicted to proton-proton collisions at the LHC, once the beam luminosity is favorable to the diffractive events in the LHC kinematical regime, with the inclusive and diffractive cross sections computed considering NLO corrections.

Primary author

Prof. M.Beatriz Gay Ducati (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul- UFRGS)

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