Jan Friedrich
(Physik Department E18, Technische Universität München)
COMPASS at CERN uses hadron and muon beams with up to 200 GeV/c momentum,
produced from the SPS proton beam, for investigations in hadron structure
and spectroscopy.
From a pilot run with a 190 GeV/c pion beam on a lead target, various
results will be presented, including the observation of the spin-exotic
\pi_1(1600) resonance in the momentum transfer region 0.3<t'/(GeV/c)^2<1.
Furthermore, in the low-t' region interference of photon-exchange and
strong production of the a_2(1320) resonance is observed, revealing the
different nature of the two interactions.
Primary author
Jan Friedrich
(Physik Department E18, Technische Universität München)