Lara De Nardo
(Gent University)
Results of the measurements of inclusive proton and deuteron inelastic
scattering cross sections at the HERMES experiment are presented.
The structure functions $F_2^p$ and $F_2^d$ are determined using a
parameterization of existing data for the longitudinal-to-transverse
virtual-photon absorption cross section ratio.
The HERMES results provide data in the ranges $0.006\leq x\leq 0.9$
and $0.1 GeV^2\leq Q^2\leq 20 GeV^2$ and are in agreement with existing
world data in the region of overlap.
In particular HERMES data cover the transient region between
perturbative and non-perturbative regime in a so-far mostly
unexplored kinematic region.
The HERMES cross section measurements have been used, in
conjunction to all other available world data, to perform fits to the total
photon-proton cross section using the ALLM model.
The deuteron-to-proton cross section ratio is also determined.
Primary author
Lara De Nardo
(Gent University)