11–15 Sept 2010
Otranto (Lecce)
Europe/Rome timezone

Hard exclusive vector meson leptoproduction at HERMES.

Not scheduled
Otranto (Lecce)

Otranto (Lecce)

Hotel Baia dei Turchi


Mrs Mayya Golembiovskaya (DESY, Zeuthen)


The HERMES experiment at DESY, Hamburg collected a set of data on hard exclusive vector meson (rho^0, phi, omega^0) leptoproduction process using the 27.6 GeV HERA longitudinally polarized lepton beam and longitudinally and transversely polarized or unpolarized gas targets. Measurements of exclusive vector mesons production allow one to study the structure of the nucleon, since the process can be described in terms of Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs). The azimuthal asymmetries measured in exclusive meson production in the HERMES experiment provide access to the information related to GPDs. Spin density matrix elements extracted at HERMES describe the distribution of final spin states of vector mesons. S-channel helicity conservation for φ meson production is observed, whereas there are indications of violation from this hypothesis in case of rho^0 meson production. An overview of the HERMES results on exclusive vector mesons production processes is presented.

Primary author

Mrs Mayya Golembiovskaya (DESY, Zeuthen)

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