

1 Dec 2020, 13:00

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Armelle Jardin-Blicq (National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT))
01/12/2020, 13:05
Atreyee Sinha (LUPM, CNRS, Université de Montpellier)
01/12/2020, 13:10
Takahiro Sudoh (University of Tokyo)
01/12/2020, 13:20
Dr Mickael Coriat (UPS/IRAP), Pierrick Martin (CNRS/IRAP)
02/12/2020, 19:00
Pierrick Martin (CNRS/IRAP), Dr Soheila Abdollahi (CNRS/IRAP)
02/12/2020, 19:05
Building timetable...