01–03 dic 2020
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Discovery Prospects for TeV Halos and Physics Implications

Non in programma
Theoretical Models: Halo classification and mechanisms


Sig. Takahiro Sudoh (University of Tokyo)


Milagro and HAWC observations have revealed the existence of TeV halos around nearby, relatively old pulsars. We perform population modeling of TeV halos taking into account the age dependence of halo formation. Our analysis highlights the potential importance of TeV halos in existing and future observations by HAWC, HESS, and CTA. We quantify the contributions of TeV halos to the source counts and diffuse emission. Further, we show that future observations of TeV halos are useful to constrain the statistical properties of pulsars at birth.

Autori principali

Sig. Takahiro Sudoh (University of Tokyo) Prof. John Beacom (Ohio State University) Dr. Tim Linden (Stockholm University)

Materiali di presentazione

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