20 June 2022 to 1 July 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

Quantum chaos in 2d gravity

29 Jun 2022, 10:00


Alexander Altland (Koln U.)


The ergodic regime of many body quantum chaos defines the perhaps most universal phase of quantum mechanics. It is uniquely described by an effective zero-dimensional matrix theory, Efetov's supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model. To the best of our knowledge every chaotic quantum system maps onto that model in the long time limit. In this talk we apply this correspondence as a search principle in holography and two-dimensional quantum gravity. We will look at various effective models through this lens, among them the SYK model, JT gravity, and Kodaira-Spencer string field theory. Our main finding is that the latter is complete in that it is dual to the sigma model at large time scales. On this basis, it provides a full description of quantum chaos in the two dimensional bulk – from semiclassical gravitational fluctuations to deep black hole microstate quantization at the largest time scales.

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