20 June 2022 to 1 July 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

Thermalization and Chaos in 1+1d QFT

28 Jun 2022, 10:00


Katz Emanuel (Boston U.)


We study aspects of chaos and thermodynamics at strong coupling in a scalar model in 1+1d QFT using numerical Hamiltonian truncation methods. We find that our eigenstate spectrum satisfies Wigner-Dyson statistics and that the coefficients describing eigenstates in our basis satisfy Random Matrix statistics, as expected in chaotic systems (even at weak coupling). We also find a few scar states, but only at weak coupling. We then use these chaotic states to compute the equation of state of the model, obtaining results consistent with CFT expectations at temperatures above the scale of relevant interactions. Finally, we test the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis by computing the expectation value of local operators in eigenstates, and check that their behavior is consistent with thermal CFT values as we approach high temperatures.

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