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FOOT (FragmentatiOn On Target) is an applied nuclear physics experiment designed for measuring with high precision the production cross sections of nuclear fragments for energies, beams and targets relevant in particle therapy and radioprotection in space. Mea- suring the characteristics (yield, charge, energy, angle) of nuclear fragments is important for understanding the physical and biological eects of particle beams in the human body. A key element of the FOOT experiment is the E-TOF system, designed to identify the charge and velocity of nuclear fragments produced in particle collisions in thin targets. The system is made of a start counter and a planar thin plastic scintillator detector, the latter constructed in Pisa. Together they provide the velocity and deposited energy of the fragments. In this contribution, the initial motivations, current status, and future of the FOOT experiment will be presented. Hereby we highlight the contributions of the Pisa group to the experiment.
Istruzioni per il collegamento eZuce Vibe: ----------------- Room name : The FOOT Experiment Meeting ID: 8121744904 Access PIN: 2207 H323 / SIP address: Per chi non ha eZuce/Vibe installato: - con un qualunque browser internet seguire il link - nella schermata inserire il proprio nome - il PIN è 2207