Cluster-shell model and its application to 9Be and 9B

by Valeria Della Rocca (Gran Sasso Science Institute)

Aula R (Dipartimento di Fisica "G. Galilei")

Aula R

Dipartimento di Fisica "G. Galilei"

Via F. Marzolo, 8 Padova

Cluster-shell model and its application to 9Be and 9B The cluster structure of light nuclei has been extensively investigated in the past, but as a consequence of new experimental findings renewed interest in this phenomenon has emerged. We will introduce a novel approach to clustering, the so-called Cluster-shell model (CSM), which we propose to be suitable for the description of the structure of light odd nuclei seen as k 
-particles and  valence nucleons. The starting point will be the study of potentials with Z2, D3h, and Td symmetry. The results will be used to calculate intrinsic energies and wave functions of a spin 1/2 particle in potentials with the aforementioned point group symmetries. We will then discuss the application of the CSM to 9Be and 9B which, following the literature, we have assumed to be constituted of two -particles along a line and a nucleon moving in the potential generated by this core. We will derive explicit analytic expressions for r.m.s radius, electric and magnetic moments, electromagnetic transition rates, and form factors. Finally, we will compare with microscopic models and with the currently available experimental data.

Organised by

Daniele Mengoni