Light radioactive beams for neutrino, astro and fundamental interaction physics

by Michael HASS (Dept. of Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel)

VILLI Meeting Room (LNL)

VILLI Meeting Room


In the last few years we have embarked on an R&D program to produce, extract and accelerate light radioactive beams that can be of great importance for future facilities like SPIRAL2 and beta-beams, as well as for the new SARAF accelerator at Soreq, Israel. We concentrate on two nuclei, 8Li and 6He, that are produced by (n,alpha) reactions in record yields. These short-lived isotopes can be used in various areas of nuclear physics, from neutrino to astro to fundamental interaction topics. We present the current status of this research and describe future possibilities.