Full Simulation: Winter Production Organization

To connect to the meeting you can use a regular phone: 1) dial +390662288548 (or the numbers listed in http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers ) 2) digit conference number: 1730 3) after the sound say your name and press pound key # 4) press 1 to accept recording ************************************************ or you can use any computer using a SIP client program (example X-lite:http://www.counterpath.net/X-Lite-Download.html) and an head set device. General configuration parameters are: * address: phone.infn.it * port: 5060 (UDP) * username: 2004 * Auth. name: 2004 * password: 5555 and the code for the background sim. meeting is: 1730
    • 1
      SVT analysis on splitted TTree
      Speaker: Riccardo
    • 2
      IFR analysis: test on the unsplitted TTree
      Speaker: Gigi + Mauro
    • 3
      EMC analysis: test on the splitte TTree (TBC)
      Speaker: Stefano
    • 4
      Final decision on the output format.
    • 5
      Choice of the Geant4 Physics lists
      Speaker: Andrea
      Reference PhysicsLists
    • 6
      IR + Inner Detector Assembly: status and checks
      Speaker: Eugenio
    • 7
      SVT status for the production
      Speaker: Riccardo
    • 8
      DCH status for the production
      Speaker: Giuseppe
    • 9
      PID status for the production
      Speaker: TBD
    • 10
      EMC status for the production
      Speaker: Stefano
    • 11
      IFR status for the production
      Speaker: Gigi + Mauro