Seminars and Colloquia

Rugged but sensitive: silicon photomultipliers as single-photon detectors for scientific and industrial applications

by Massimo Capasso (IAAT, Tübingen)

aula 131

aula 131


Over the past ten years, silicon photomultipliers have imposed themselves as a valid and reliable alternative to conventional photomultiplier tubes, in many applications where low-level light detection is required. The seminar will give an introduction on the SiPMs' working principle as well as an overview of the technologies currently available, highlighting application-specific challenges and possible solutions. Among the latest developments, particular focus will be given to three different technologies: cryogenic, vacuum-ultra-violet (VUV) and near-infrared (NIR) sensitive silicon photomultipliers. Each of these SiPMs requires a proper design in order to overcome the limitations of a "standard" technology: primary DCR and afterpulse reduction in cryogenic environments and stability of the quenching resistor across a wide range of temperatures, optimization of the anti-reflective coating (ARC) to maximize the VUV sensitivity and mitigation of the "border effects" within the sensitive area for enhanced detection of long-wavelength photons. A comparative review of the performance of a "standard" SiPM and each of the above-mentioned improved technologies will be given.