22nd Beginner FLUKA Course


It is with deep regret that we have to announce the cancellation of
the FLUKA course in Erice.

On March 8th, the Italian Governement issued a series of COVID-19
containment measures, among which the suspension of all conferences
and workshops, at least until April 3rd.  See
https://www.gazzettaufficiale.it/eli/id/2020/03/08/20A01522/sg (in italian).

On March 9, even stronger measures were enforced, such as a strong
limitation of travel within all Italian territory.

The evolution of this situation is unknown.

We are trying to find another location and another date, possibly June
or September. We will keep you posted.

The event is organized with the support of The Ettore Majorana Foundation and International Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Sicily, Italy


Panoramic Erice SicilyThe course will help professionals working in the Monte Carlo radiation transport fields to understand the various functions and attributes of the brand new fluka2020 release

Registration for 22nd Fluka course