DS-Mat regular meeting


Materials WG meeting 28/01/20


Assistants: Testera, Kish, Botino, Jillings, Kochanek, Pelczar, Gromoz, Azzolini, Agnes, Meyers, Cebrián, Mroz, Zuzel, Santorelli, Pesudo.


Pending on the data base: KP will contact Manuel Rolo to ask on the status of the CMOS chips for the VETO. He had to ask if the composition could be shared with LNGS.


KP and RS will have an offline discussion on the organization of requests and reports.


Cosmogenics: Awaiting response from An. Ianni with information on the transportation from SNOLAB to ARIA.



TM is processing the capacitors XX1104 which are the next ones in priority. Reports expected for next call.

No other reports.

Chris reports that some samples for the cross-calibration are under measurement or have been measured. VP received no news or results so far.


Regarding the measurement of the ESR foils, Chris proposes 2 possibilities for the XIA:

- Clevios painting as was done in Krakow recently.

- Using a localized alpha source on top of the sample. Since the XIA is position sensitive, one would notice the accumulation of charge in the non-conductive source.



There have been meetings with Filippo Resnati and other people discussing possible solutions. Currently a passive inner shield right outside the VETO is the preferred option but it needs to be studied from an integration point of view.



It’s a priority right now and we need to implement our protocols not only for cleaning but for evaluating the effectiveness of the process.

The possibility of doing a few measurements of plate-out in situ needs to be evaluated.

Next meeting a report from Jose Busto on the 2nd measurement of the Rn emanation of the bags is expected.


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Recent assays
      Speaker: All
    • 2
      Inner passive shield: Update
      Speaker: roberto santorelli (CIEMAT)
    • 3
      Surface contamination calculation and requirements
      Speaker: Vicente Pesudo (CIEMAT)
    • 4
      Cleaning protocols: status ans requirements
      Speakers: Giorgio Keppel (LNL), Oscar Azzolini (LNL)
    • 5
      Speaker: All