25 February 2020
Europe/Rome timezone

The problem of an accurate ion-solid interaction potential is one of the basic problems in description of the ion-solid interaction [1]. It has been shown how one can construct the universal rainbow channeling proton-crystal interaction potential [2]. It has been done by modifying the Moliere’s interaction potential applying the crystal rainbow theory [3, 4]. This potential merges the ZBL potential, for the small impact parameters, and the Molière's potential, with the Thomas-Fermi radius, for the large impact parameters. The accuracy of the obtain interaction potential should be investigated in a series of high resolution transmission channeling experiments for different proton-crystal combinations. Further, application of the presented rainbow morphological method for 5 keV protons transmitted through a graphene [5] and generally through 2D materials has been disused.
[1] M. Nastasi, J. W. Mayer and J. K. Hirvonen, Ion-Solid Interaction: Fundamentals and applications (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996).
[2] S. Petrović, N. Starčević and M. Ćosić, Universal axial (001) rainbow channeling interaction potential, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 447, pp. 79-83 (2019).
[3] S. Petrović, L. Miletić, and N. Nešković, Theory of rainbows in thin crystals: the explanation of ion channeling applied to Ne10+ ions transmitted through a <100> Si thin crystal, Phys. Rev. B 61, 184 (2000).
[4] N. Nešković, S. Petrović, and M. Ćosić, Rainbows in Channeling of Charged Particles in Crystals and Nanotubes (Springer Nature, Cham, 2017).
[5] M. Ćosić, M. Hadžijojić, M, Rymzhanov, S. Petrović and S. Bellucci, Investigation of the graphene thermal motion by rainbow scattering, Carbon 145, pp. 161-174 (2019).

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