Analysis (ii)
- Roberto Spighi (BO)
In this talk I will present the study on the possibility to detect neutrons with the current experimental setup. After a brief introduction on neutron detection and detectors, I well present preliminary results obtained from the simulated data of a 16O beam with energy of 200 MeV/u on C2H4. In particular I will show the potential use of the calorimeter to derive some information on high energy...
Discussion on the proposal to be submitted for taking data at HIT
The section 2 of the emulsion spectrometer is dedicated to the charge measurement. We will show the results for the exposure $^{16}$O@200 MeV on C$_2$H$_4$, done at GSI in 2019.
For the evaluation of differential cross section, the association of tracks in S2 to vertices is crucial. A multivariate approach has been investigated to select vertices coming from the beam and reject those due to...