Seminari INFN

Model Independent bounds on New Physics in (Semi)leptonic and non-leptonic B decays

by Gilberto Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotzi (Siegen University)

Aula Careri (Dipartimento di Fisica ed. G. Marconi)

Aula Careri

Dipartimento di Fisica ed. G. Marconi


Motivated by the recent hints of New Physics (NP) in $b\rightarrow c \ell \nu_{\ell}$ transitions, in the first part of the talk we describe   an analogous study focused on $b\rightarrow u \ell \nu_{\ell}$ processes. Our analysis  focused in disentangling effects from beyond the Standard Model scalar and pseudoscalar interactions and includes the determination of $|V_{ub}|$ while accounting for potential NP effects.  In the second part of the talk we will justify the investigation of possible NP in non-leptonic tree level decays showing its implications in the determination of the CKM angle $\gamma$ and its impact on the anomalous measurement for the dimuon asymmetry obtained by D0 .

Organised by

Daniele Barducci