DS-Mat regular meeting


Materials WG 7/1/20

RS, VP, CJ, GK, KP, MW, MaxGr, OA, PA, PM, SC, TM, 12152043180, IK, AR.


VP: No news from FEP alternatives.


RS: Conversations and progress for solutions of the cryostat

PA: Some simulations going on, a report should be ready be next week.


RS: Rad. Budg. Quite OK. Cryostat, FEP, Gd.

VP: points out that the 0.1 nAC is not realistic for 200 ty with current solutions.



RS: we are in position to start writing a paper on this.

SC: outline clear. Start writing some sections to be circulated in the very near future.


Cross calibrations:

The liquid sources have been circulated.

Powdered ocean sediment being counted at SNOLAB. Then will be sent around.



RS: the (a,n) surface contamination effect should be finalised



using Si resistors is a possibility, but x10 in terms of cost.

Connectors (I lost connection and couldn’t hear what was it about)


Action items:


VP: writing an internal note on Gd rare earths.

RS: Internal note on current status of assays and budget.

SC: start the draft on cosmogenics

VP: Final numbers on (a,n) from surface contamination.

VP: Start a mail loop reagarding the status of cables for Milano group, Francesco Ragusa.




There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Assay requests and reports
      Speaker: Vicente Pesudo (CIEMAT)
    • 2
      Status and Plans
      Speaker: Roberto Santorelli & All