7 December 2007
Europe/Rome timezone


Tools and computing infrastructure for TDR studies

7 Dec 2007, 10:25
Orange room (SLAC)

Orange room


Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Nicola Neri (Universita' di Pisa & INFN)
07/12/2007, 10:25
Fabrizio Bianchi (INFN - To)
07/12/2007, 10:45
Roberto Stroili (INFN and Univ. of Padova)
07/12/2007, 11:00
Norman Graf (SLAC)
07/12/2007, 11:15
Igor A. Gaponenko (LBL)
07/12/2007, 11:50
Peter Krizan (Univ. of Ljubljana)
07/12/2007, 12:25
Bevan Adrian J. (Queen Mary Univesity)
07/12/2007, 12:40
07/12/2007, 13:00
Building timetable...