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Registrations are now closed! (7 May 2020)
Dear Perspective Attendees,
Thanks to each and every of the registered participants: our technical capability has rapidly saturated, and we have now closed the registration for the event.
Those who could not register, please, do not despair: we will provide a YouTube livestream to follow the symposium.
The Scientific Programme of the European Lunar Symposium 2020 is available for download, together with the Abstract Booklet and the Disclaimer, at the bottom of this page or from the event NASA website at https://els2020.arc.nasa.gov.
Best regards,
Luca Porcelli
(on behalf of the Organising Committees)
Scientific Programme available! (6 April 2020)
Dear Perspective Attendee,
The Scientific Programme of the event is available for downloads, together with the Abstract Booklet, at the bottom of this page or from the event NASA website at https://els2020.arc.nasa.gov.
Best regards,
Luca Porcelli
(on behalf of the Organising Committees)
ELS 2020 has gone virtual! (6 March 2020)
Dear Perspective Attendee,
ELS is overcoming the flu outbreak issue setting up a vitual conference. More information available on the main website of the event at https://els2020.arc.nasa.gov/.
Free registrations for the virtual ELS will open here on 6 March 2020, and will close on 8 May 2020. Only registered participants will receive the participation link.
Best regards,
Luca Porcelli
(on behalf of the Organising Committees)
Coronavirus Update (2 March 2020)
Dear Perspective Attendee,
As you may imagine this last week (24 February - 1 March) has been extremely intense for the Organising Committees of the event: in fact, we have been addressing the issue related to flu outbreak in Italy very carefully.
We have to regret to inform you that, for this year only, ELS will go virtual; further communications about the new content fruition will follow shortly.
We did what we could to keep the face-to-face meeting on, yet we decided not to put your health at risk. Please, stand by with us for the next few days for further updates.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Best regards,
Luca Porcelli
(on behalf of the Organising Committees)
The European Lunar Symposium (ELS), a meeting that soon became annual, is held every year, since 2012, in a different city in Europe. ELS is a meeting and interaction point for scientists and engineers, academics and industry, from Europe and all over the world.
Lunar exploration is undergoing a new global surge, and many are the current interests in the exploration of the Moon: astronomical, astrophysical, geological, commercial, resource utilisation, and strategic considerations, to its use as an outpost for future human exploration of the Solar System.
ELS brings together the European scientific and technical communities interested in various aspects of lunar exploration. In addition, lunar experts from countries engaged in launching lunar missions are also invited to attend this meeting.
Luca Porcelli, INFN-LNF, Italy (SOC Co-Chair).
Alice Stephant, The Open University, UK (SOC Co-Chair).
Francesca Esposito, INAF-OACN, Italy.
Alice Lucchetti, INAF-OAPD, Italy.
Matteo Massironi, CISAS - UniPD, Italy.
Mahesh Anand, The Open University, UK.
Ana Cernok, University of Toronto, Canada.
Evelyn Fueri, CRPG, Nancy, France.
Harald Hiesinger, University of Munster, Germany.
Nicole Schmitz, DLR, Germany.
Joshua Snape, Vrije University Amsterdam, NL.
Romain Tartese, University of Manchester, UK.
Simone Dell'Agnello (INFN-LNF, http://w3.lnf.infn.it/).
Luca Porcelli (INFN-LNF).
Silvia Colasanti (INFN-LNF).
Lorenza Mauro (INFN-LNF).
Laura Rubino (INFN-LNF).
Simone Pirrotta (ASI, https://www.asi.it/).
Stefano Debei (CISAS - UniPD, https://cisas.unipd.it/).
Matteo Massironi (CISAS - UniPD).
Roberto Ragazzoni (INAF-OAPD, http://www.oapd.inaf.it/).
Alice Lucchetti (INAF-OAPD).
Francesca Esposito (INAF-OACN, http://www.oacn.inaf.it/).
ELS Oversight Committee:
Mahesh Anand, The Open University, UK (Chair).
Greg Schmidt, NASA-SSERVI, USA (Co-Chair).
Kristina Gibbs, NASA-SSERVI, USA.
Ralf Jaumann, DLR, Germany.
Patrick Pinet, University of Toulouse, France.
Simone Pirrotta, ASI, Italy.
Wim van Westrenen, Vrije University Amsterdam, NL.