The implementation of surface code error correction in transmons-based superconducting qubits poses a formidable challenge, because, despite all the improvements of the last years, it seems that we remain dominated by Two Level Systems (TLS) (and correlated noise) that are intrinsic to superconductor. The main purpose of this mini course is to illustrate what we understand about the microscopic origin of noise in superconducting qubits and what are the challenges we need to overcome in order to achieve surface code error correction in large arrays of superconducting qubits. The lessons are structured to convey the physical picture [i.e, not many formulas].
Lesson I:
Review on our understanding of microscopic mechanism of noise in superconducting qubits (transmons) and superconducting resonators.
- Theory of non-conventional TLS and importance of TLS-TLS interaction.
- 1/f noise in resonators.
- 1/f charge noise in transmons vs 1/f charge noise in charge qubits and Single Electron Transistors.
- Interplay between spin and charge noise.