20–21 Jan 2020
Padova - Università degli Studi, Palazzo del Bo'
Europe/Rome timezone

Implantation of silicon-vacancy single-photon emitters at the Tandetron accelerator of INFN Florence for application in quantum technologies

Not scheduled
Archivio Antico and DEI, Aula Magna (Padova - Università degli Studi, Palazzo del Bo')

Archivio Antico and DEI, Aula Magna

Padova - Università degli Studi, Palazzo del Bo'

Contribution from scientific community Contributions from the scientific community Session III


Dr Stefano Lagomarsino (INFN, Florence)


The 3 MV Tandetron accelerator beamline at LABEC (Florence) has been upgraded to ion implantation experiments for fabrication of single-photon emitters. Silicon ions have been implanted in single- and poly-crystalline diamond matrices, in the 0-2.4 $\mu$m range of depths (0.2-11 MeV energy), down to the diffraction limit of lateral resolution, over a fluence range of $10^{7}-10^{15}$ cm$^{-2}$. A furnace operating in high-vacuum (10$^{-7}$ mBar) has been employed to activate negative Silicon-Vacancy (SiV-) centers with a yield in the order of 3%, while room temperature fs-laser activation experiments are underway. The photoluminescence properties of the SiV centers have been studied from 20 to 800 °C, including their single-photon emission characteristics. Single-photon emitters have been obtained, exhibiting a short excited-state lifetime (~1 ns), a strong zero-phonon transition with a narrow linewidth (~1.6 nm) and a very small inhomogeneous broadening (0.015 nm).

Primary authors

Dr Stefano Lagomarsino (INFN, Florence) Prof. Silvio Sciortino (INFN, Florence) Dr Assegid M. Flatae (Laboratory of Nano-Optics, University of Siegen) Dr Nicla Gelli (INFN, Florence) Prof. Lorenzo Giuntini (INFN Florence) Dr Massimo Chiari (INFN Florence) Dr Francesco Taccetti (INFN Florence) Dr Mirko Massi (INFN Florence) Dr Lukas Hunold (Laboratory of Nano-Optics, University of Siegen) Dr Florian Sledz (Laboratory of nano-optics, University of Siegen.) Dr Haritha Kambalathmana (Laboratory of nano-optics, University of Siegen) Prof. Marco Bellini (INO Florence) Dr Chiara Corsi (LENS Florence) Dr Mario Santoro (INO Florence) Prof. Mario Agio (Laboratory of nano-optics, University of Siegen.)

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