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24–25 Oct 2019
Palazzo Moroni, Padova
Europe/Rome timezone

Studies of quantum noise in GW detectors, optomechanical experiments, and axion searches

24 Oct 2019, 12:50
Sala Paladini (Palazzo Moroni, Padova)

Sala Paladini

Palazzo Moroni, Padova


Dr Denis Martynov (University of Birmingham)


Quantum noise limits the performance of gravitational-wave (GW) detectors, optomechanical experiments, and even recently proposed dark matter searches. This talk discusses the effort of the Birmingham group towards studies of the quantum noise in these experiments. In particular, we will show how to employ the couple cavity resonance for high GW frequency detectors, heterodyne squeezing technique for the future GW detectors, control of an unstable filter for increasing of the gain-bandwidth product of the LIGO detectors. We will also present an optomechanical and axion search experiments planned in Birmingham which will be limited by quantum noises in optical cavities.

Primary authors

Dr Denis Martynov (University of Birmingham) Haixing Miao (University of Birmingham)

Presentation materials

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