24–25 Oct 2019
Palazzo Moroni, Padova
Europe/Rome timezone

Australia's take on GW experimental research in the long term

24 Oct 2019, 09:05
Sala Paladini (Palazzo Moroni, Padova)

Sala Paladini

Palazzo Moroni, Padova


David Ottaway (The University of Adelaide)


The funding of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav) has significantly expanded the volume of experimental work that is being conducted in gravitational wave astronomy. Part of this work has focused on the development of the Australian High Frequency Detector (OzGrav HF). This detector aims to access the "matter region" of the gravitational wave spectrum between 1-4 kHZ using detector techniques that can act as a pathfinder for advanced third generation technologies including extreme high circulating power. The OzGrav community is also conducting research into a vast range of areas ranging from low frequency detectors to high power laser sources for third generation detectors. In this talk I will give an overview of the OzGrav experimental effort.

Primary author

David Ottaway (The University of Adelaide)

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