1:00 PM
Manifestations of new particles in atomic and underground laboratories experiments
Victor Flambaum
(University of New South Wales, School of Physics, Sydney 2052, Australia)
1:20 PM
Superconducting Cavity for Dark Matter Axion Search.
Danho Ahn
1:45 PM
Direct limits for scalar field dark matter from a gravitational-wave detector
Sander Vermeulen
(Cardiff University)
1:50 PM
Axion Dark matter from Fragmentation
Philip Sørensen
(DESY / Uni Hamburg)
1:55 PM
ALPs as mediators for dark matter: beyond freeze out
Aoife Bharucha
Sophie Mutzel
(CPT Marseille)
2:00 PM
Dark Acoustic Oscillations: Imprints on the Matter Power Spectrum and the Halo Mass Function
Timothée Schaeffer
(University of Zurich)
2:05 PM
Leading Logs in QCD Axion Effective Field Theory
Lennert Thormaehlen
2:10 PM
LSW experiments in the microwaves
Paolo Spagnolo