Giacomo Bonnoli
(Università di Siena & INFN Pisa),
Riccardo Paoletti
06/11/2019, 10:00
Edoardo Bossini
06/11/2019, 10:30
An introduction to Cosmic Ray physics, detectors and a bit of history
Studenti del III anno di Fisica
(Corso di Laurea in Fisica e Tecnologie Avanzate - III anno)
06/11/2019, 10:50
Our experimental setup
Cristina Mattone
(CAEN SpA), Dr
Matteo Saviozzi
06/11/2019, 11:10
A new educational tool through which CAEN wants to inspire young students and guide them towards the analysis and comprehension of cosmic rays.
Federico Pilo
Giuseppe Terreni
06/11/2019, 11:45
Introduction to the analysis of data from a cosmic ray detector