PROTO Weekly Working Group Meeting


24 participants:

Giuliana, Yi, Tom, Ben Smith, Daria, Edgar, Eugenio S, Luca Doria, Luca P, Luigi R., Paolo Agnes, Pierre-Andre, Alessandro, Andre R, Emilija, Francesca Carnesecchi, Mapelli, Roberto S., Sam Hill, Sosuke

MINUTES by Yury Suvorov


Tom: ch 106 which failed during cool down completely recovered at room temperature. It got repaired somehow. Il is placed on the edge with wire bondings on the edge. Maybe weakened during assembly. Cannot draw any conclusion. Further inspection with a microscope needed.

MB2 traveled on Sunday from LNGS to CERN. Was installed, the photocurrent was measured today on the bench. Tomorrow IV curves with SMU at warm (manually, few hours needed).

See slides: 10cm separation between MB2 and the anode plate (using the motion feedthrough), this allows to install the MB directly. All movements were tested. The TPC does not have to be disassembled in order to install the MB. This is the way to go.



Program for the next week:

On Monday morning we plan to start with the installation.

Pumping 1 day,

Cool down and filling 29-30.

DAQ setup1-6



Marco, Ben, Andrea and Valerio will be at CERN to setup the DAQ before the meeting.

From Monday 7th we will start the regular data taking with shifts, team of 5 people available.

Need to plane the continuity. During the CM, DAQ experts on shift and more people to look at the data

Marco: we have a set of tools in order to monitor the data taking and do a quick cross check of the data. Basic histos.


This run will have no reflector and the cathode will be just a plate with gold coated dots, in order to enhance the production of S3 events. The drift length will be 12 cm.


offline SW:

Valerio: the raw data will be stored locally on a 20Tb disk Marco is bringing at CERN. Then it will be copied to EOS common area, accessible to anyone with a regular CERN account.

Giuliana: it is a good practice to have 3 copies of data, so CNAF should have a third copy and maybe somewhere overseas. Let me stress that CNAF option should be seriously considered: easier access for INFN collaborators and space already available there.

Pablo: two copies on disk is already ok, do not need to complicate the system. More important to have a copy on tape.

Alessandro: rather than having multiples copies it is better to be able to analyze and process data on fly.

Valerio: for the moment support by CERN is sufficient. We have to learn what we will have to deal with, based on that we will have we will shape our system. We are ready for the start. Preliminary data model ready and n-tuples will be distributed.

Giuliana: Ok, all this is correct. We do need the 3rd copy probably on tape for safety. CERN indeed is not the best for the connectivity so we will move with CNAF option as well, this will take shape with time.

Let me stress once more we do need more people on data analysis, so please spread this news among young collaborators.



The HV CAEN board will be at CERN on Sunday-Monday. We will need the SW in order to be able to run IV curve with it.

Tom: Monday night- Tuesday morning we may be able to start to take the IV curves.

Alessandro: the current on the board must be limited to 100 uA, this must be implemented on the module itself

Giuliana: Tom, we will need a procedures to follow so please start to write this.

Tom: Yes, I will start o work on it, will send emails to DAQ group.

Tom and Alessandro to agree on connection set-up between the DAQ computer and the steering module.






There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 17:00 17:10
      Organization and scheduling 10m
      Speakers: Dr Alexander Kish (University of Hawaii), Giuliana Fiorillo (NA)
    • 17:10 17:20
      TPC general overview and planned activities. Critical items. 10m
      Speaker: Yi Wang (UCLA)
    • 17:20 17:30
      MB2 assembly and plans. 10m
      Speakers: Eugenio Paoloni (PI), Thomas Thorpe (GSSI)
    • 17:30 17:40
      DAQ overview. Critical items. 10m
      Speakers: Marco Rescigno (ROMA1), Mr Pierre-Andre Amaudruz (TRIUMF)
    • 17:40 17:50
      SW/Computing/Data storage overview 10m
      Speaker: Valerio Ippolito (ROMA1)
    • 17:50 18:00
      reco SW status and plan 10m
      Speaker: Davide Franco (APC)