2:30 PM
Status of the e676 experiment with AGATA+PARIS+VAMOS
Sara Ziliani
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
2:50 PM
Access PDR through beta decay in exotic nuclei
Iolanda MATEA
(IPN Orsay, France)
3:10 PM
PARIS + nuBall experiment: The GDR gamma-decay gated by states of different deformation
Michal Ciemala
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Poland)
3:30 PM
Potential coupling of PARIS/nuball2
Jonathan Wilson
(IPN Orsay)
3:50 PM
Study of deformed and spherical 2+ states via Coulomb excitation and first time measurement of PDR in 34Si – PARIS@LISE at GANIL
MIhai Stanoiu
4:10 PM
PARIS for study of fission at VAMOS
Marek Lewitowicz