28–30 Oct 2019
Sapienza - Università di Roma
Europe/Rome timezone

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to evaluate the effects of some atmospheric particulate matters

Not scheduled
Sapienza - Università di Roma

Sapienza - Università di Roma

P.le A. Moro 5, 00185 Roma


Particulate Matter is a complex mixture of particles that includes many chemical species with a toxicological activity. Although, the toxicity of particulate matter is extensively studied in vitro, very few investigations have been addressed in vivo.
Caenorhabditis elegans is a soil nematode that has been frequently used as a simple model organism to quantify the toxic effects of environmental xenobiotics.
Thus, the effects of samples originated from three relevant components of atmospheric dusts (brake dust, pellet ash and Saharian dust) were analysed. We evaluated the effects of the two fractions of these atmospheric particulate matters with respect to the total: water-soluble and insoluble fractions. The toxicity of these fractions was analyzed by evaluating the ability to affect the C. elegans survival as well as their capacity to induce oxidative stress in worm populations.

Ambito Ambiente e Territorio

Primary authors

Dr Graziella Ficociello (Department of Biology and Biotecnology “Charles Darwin”, Sapienza University of Rome) Dr Agnese Inverni (Chemistry Department, Sapienza University of Rome) Dr Lorenzo Massimi (Chemistry Department, Sapienza University of Rome) Prof. Silvia Canepari (Chemistry Department - Sapienza University of Rome) Prof. Daniela Uccelletti (Department of Biology and Biotecnology “Charles Darwin”, Sapienza University of Rome)

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