Seminars and Colloquia

Light-nuclei spectra, neutron matter, and electroweak response: a review

by Rocco Schiavilla (Jefferson Lab/Old Dominion University)


In the "basic model" of nuclear theory, the nucleus' constituents--the nucleons--interact with each other via effective many-body interactions, and with external electroweak probes via effective many-body currents.
When coupled to numerically accurate quantum Monte Carlo and hyperspherical harmonics methods, the deceptively simple picture put forward by the basic model leads to a quantitative and successful description of the structure and dynamics of light nuclei. In this talk, I will review the origin and evolution of the basic model, provide a status report on studies of low-lying spectra, neutron matter, and electroweak response at low energy (radiative and weak decays) and intermediate energy (electron and neutrino quasi-elastic scattering), and conclude with an outlook into future applications of the basic model.