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Struttura della materia

Non-affine lattice dynamics: A new method to bridge time and length scales in the dynamical simulation of glasses

by Alessio Zaccone (Università di Milano)

Aula Conversi (Dipartimento di Fisica)

Aula Conversi

Dipartimento di Fisica

We will discuss a new methodology based on the concept of nonaffine displacements, which are ubiquitous in disordered condensed matter systems, which allows one to predict the dynamical response of materials across the entire time-scales of glass dynamics. The method has been shown to be predictive on the example of Kremer-Grest polymer chains, and at the atomistic level for real systems (polyethylene and PCNB). Then I will show some recent results on the theoretical modelling of vibrational modes and the vibrational density of states of solids, both ordered and disordered, which explains the recent experimental observations of glass-like vibrational anomalies in perfectly ordered crystals.
Organised by

Giancarlo Ruocco